Recipe from here
It's not hard baking I can say... But it's very time consuming...
However, I know I failed in my crepe anyway...
Cause I think it's too thick for a crepe to be...
A night before I assemble my crepe cake, I have to prepare the crepes batter and also the vanilla pastry cream.
For the crepes batter:
1.Cook the butter in a small pan until it is brown like hazelnuts.

2. In a large pan, heat the milk until steaming. Allow to cool for 10 minutes.

3. With a mixer on medium-low speed, beat together the eggs, flour, sugar and salt.

Slowly add the hot milk and browned butter. Pour into a container with a spout, cover and refrigerate overnight.

For vanilla pastry cream:
1. Bring the milk to a boil. Turn off the heat and stir in the vanilla, then set aside for 10 minutes.

2. In a medium heavy-bottomed pan, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch. Gradually whisk in the hot milk. Then place the pan over high heat and bring to boil, whisking vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes.

3. Press the pastry cream through a fine-meshed sieve into the small bowl. Stir in the butter. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

The next day (over 4hours)
This is the crepe batter looks like:

My very first piece of crepe...
So failed...

But later on, after I've been getting more and more familiar with it, it's pretty nice also!
It seems to be very thin as well!

See? I told you I've experience d... (I made about 30pieces of crepes) in 2hours and 15minutes...

The vanilla pastry cream left in fridge overnight:

The whipping cream used:

1. Whip the heavy cream with the sugar and Kirsch. Fold a quarter of the whipped cream into the pastry cream, then the rest.

This is my end product of the vanilla pastry cream!

Lay 1 layer of crepe and follow by 1 layer or vanilla cream. Choose the most pretty crepe to place on the top. I've left so much vanilla so I put it at the side as well and also put some sugar powder as deco (but it doesn't last long)

So, in the end, I played around with the equipment I have and also the vanilla cream left...

Curious how does it looks like?!

Seems so much like a crepe cake er?
But I not very satisfied with my crepe cake... =(
Seriously, 1st of all I thought my crepe was thin enough but I was totally wrong! It was too thick!! It's just like eating lots of layer pancake!! ;(
2ndly, I thought the cream is too much so I put very little cream in between... But I was wrong again!! It doesn't taste much cream due to my thick "pancakes" ;(
Anyway, I'll try baking again another time!
Won't give up until I success!!
Wish me luck peeps...
Wow, very professional.. I never bake a cake >.<
ReplyDeleteThank you.. I'm just doing it for the sake of fun... =D
ReplyDeleteI had same problem you did. The batter was too thick. And once you put in in the freezer, it gets hard as well. I think certain crepe making equipment with batter spreader is necessary to make the crepe super thin.