There's no any updates from me...
It's quite a rare thing to see la...
Ermzz recently I'm really quite busy with my acedemic...
Cause have quite a number of assignment and so on to handle with...
I don't have much time for me to waste and rest also... haix...
Last weekend I've went back to JB...
I went back and all I do is really just sleep!!
I can sleep about 16hours per day...
I get recharged at home and came back to KL to strive!!
And last few days we all started to plan about ahman's birthday celebration...
And ya now we have a conclusion of how to celebrate for him...
Btw, yesterday went to Times Square and I didn't bought anything for myself but for others birthday boy...
And it was also CheeLiang's birthday yesterday...
We went to Gasoline for our lunch...
Me,Syuan and AhKim succeeded to give him a surprise of giving him a cake...
During photo session I kena conned...
Damn embarrassing...
Can anyone please teach me to be more naive? >.< Here goes the pictures taken in Gasoline...
From left: CheeLiang the birthday boy, Nicole and Nic
From right:WaiHong, Syuan, me and AhKim..
This is the picture I kena conned by the birthday boy... >.<
And recently, I also met a very very good friend and as talkative as me and we share a lot of same interest...
She's ChiaNing...That Dato Penggawa Timur girl...
Although we've met since sem1, but this sem I'm with her like whole day of class because we chose to take 4subjects, thus we're in the same class for every course...
Almost everyday when I met her in the morning we'll chat til we're back home...
This is women ba... XD
I'm lack of photos to update my blog! Grrr~~
Will try to get some image to update with my next post...
Cause update without image is so UNINTERESTING! =(
i think i know y u can talk so much with chia ning.....nt bcos u two r jz women only..
ReplyDeleteThen why??